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A Message for Preppers

I decided to tap out a little message for preppers, for while my readership is broad-ranging (with the site being geared toward a general audience), I would wager that a majority of those who visit The Apocalyst are individuals involved in preparedness. Whether they are those who focus on short-term emergencies (the three-day, three-week, or three-month variety) or full-blown, 'doomsday' preppers, they tend to be folks who think ahead, planning for the worst while hoping for the best.

With that in mind, I wanted to make sure you understand what type of site this is in relation to prepping. It is NOT a site for the 'hows' to prepping, nor a place to find specific suggestions for either survival techniques or quality materials. There are already many, MANY wonderful sites on the web which discuss these 'hows,' and since my own, somewhat limited knowledge would serve no viable purpose in this realm I have chosen to avoid it.

So no, the site will not provide you with the 'hows;' it will, however, serve as a daily reminder to the 'whys.' While those who stockpile a year's supply of food, water and ammo (with the prerequisite bunker, natch) tend to get the media attention, a vast majority of preppers are those who quietly - and rationally - plan ahead. They are thrifty shoppers, humble gardeners, and practical thinkers.

They sometimes plan long-term for the big cataclysms, sure, but a majority prep for the short-term local and personal emergencies. With so much of our lives in the hands of others it only makes sense to take proactive steps to cushion ourselves, for if life is anything? - it is unpredictable.

It is in THIS where you, as a prepper, will find the value in The Apocalyst. While the stories here are unsettling (at best), they are not written to scare you - they are intended to inspire. Yes, the primary focus is to keep you informed about current - or potentially - cataclysmic events, but it also serves as a daily reminder.

A reminder, that bad things can happen any where, at any time, to any one... reminding you that in the face of the real-life events I cover here your prepping efforts are 100% sensible, no matter what critics or haters might say to you. A reminder that there are REASONS you started prepping... and those reasons are laid out on this news blog every day.

Stay aware, my friends.

In Depth

Tracking the Long Valley Caldera

While Hollywood plays to Super-Volcano fears, the real danger comes from their less-flashy cousins

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